Drawdown will allow lakeside property owners to clean up flood debris
and work on damaged docks
BURNET AND LLANO COUNTIES, Texas – The Lower Colorado River Authority will lower lakes LBJ and Marble Falls for about eight weeks in early 2019 to assist lakeside property owners recovering from recent historic flooding along the Colorado and Llano rivers.
The drawdown will make it easier for residents to remove debris and maintain or repair docks, retaining walls and other infrastructure.
“We were not planning to lower Lake LBJ again this soon because it was just lowered in 2017, but after the flood it’s clear property owners needed an opportunity to remove debris and repair their property,” said John Hofmann, LCRA executive vice president of Water. “We are hopeful the drawdown will assist in flood recovery and help get 2019 off to a good start.”
The drawdowns for both lakes will begin Sunday, Dec. 30, and will conclude on Saturday, Feb. 23.
LCRA will lower Lake LBJ about 4 feet, from its normal operating range of 824.4 to 825 feet above mean sea level (feet msl) to a range of 820.2 to 820.8 feet msl. The lake will be lowered about 1 foot a day for four days beginning Dec. 30.
Lake Marble Falls will be lowered about 7 feet, from its normal operating range of 736.2 to 737 feet msl to a range of 729 to 730 feet msl. The lake will be lowered about 1 foot a day for seven days beginning Dec. 30.
A permit is not required for dock repairs on lakes LBJ and Marble Falls during the drawdown, but all work must comply with LCRA’s Safety Standards for Residential Docks on the Highland Lakes. Maintenance, dredging, debris removal and repair work on existing retaining walls during the drawdown can be performed under LCRA’s permit with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, but the work must be registered with LCRA before it begins. Registration forms are available:
Online at lcra.org/lakelowerings.
By calling LCRA Water Quality Protection at 512-578-2324.
In person at the LCRA Western Maintenance Facility, 2643 Wirtz Dam Road, Marble Falls, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Burning debris in the lakebed is not allowed.
For more information on work allowed during the drawdown, visit lcra.org/lakelowerings or contact LCRA Water Quality Protection at 512-578-2324.
About LCRA
The Lower Colorado River Authority serves customers and communities throughout Texas by managing the lower Colorado River; generating and transmitting electric power; providing a clean, reliable water supply; and offering access to nature at more than 40 parks, recreation areas and river access sites along the Texas Colorado River, from the Hill Country to the Gulf Coast. LCRA and its employees are committed to enhancing the lives of Texans through water stewardship, energy and community services. LCRA was created by the Texas Legislature in 1934. For more information, visit lcra.org.
Media contact:
Clara Tuma 512-578-3292
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